Brand guide
With the appearance and communication of our brand, we radiate unbroken quality and expertise. We consider it important that our partners also apply the values we represent when selling our products, so together we can create the best customer experience for our target audience!
1. Use of our logo

Our logo represents the unity of our brand, so it must appear on all our products and on all surfaces.
What You need to do?
Where to place?
Our logo must be displayed on the opening image of each product in the upper right corner of the image. In addition, it must be included in the header of the website in a prominent and easily visible place. It should also be used as a favicon on the website. It is mandatory to display our logo in the upper right corner of all advertising materials!
How to place?
In all cases, our logo must be placed with at least 20px padding from the edges of the box on your website or from the corners of the image. It can only be placed in a form without a background (recommended as png file). A homogeneous surface is allowed in the background of the logo, which does not interfere with the recognition of the logo.
What can I change?
The logo can also be used with an inverse color, if the website or the background of the image highlights it better that way. The size of the logo can be changed freely, as long as it is larger than the minimum required size, which is 200x60 px (ex. favicon). In case of any other changes, contact us in writing!
What You should never do?

- Distorting the logo
- Angling the logo
- Isolating the logo in a box or shape
- Using a patterned background
- Changing the proportions
- Placing the logo on a busy picture

Other logos You can use beside our brand logo!
- AGR logo - use it all of the first product picture
- BdR logo - use it in press media, or in corperate media
- FGR logo - use it in press media, or in corporate media
- STAEDTLER logo - use it in every schoolbag set thumbnail product picture
- 3 year warranty - use it whe promoting schoolbag sets
- Made in Europe - use it whe promoting schoolbag sets
2. Use of brand images

Product pictures
- Only images provided by the suppliers can be used! Modifications of images are NOT permitted in order to ensure proper brand presentation.
- At least 5 different product images must be used, in each product. The tumbnail picture should be in front angle!
- The product picture's background need to be in the same color as the website background, or the picture needs to be transpatent (PNG).

Mood pictures
- Only images provided by the suppliers can be used! Modifications of images are NOT permitted in order to ensure proper brand presentation.
- Mood images must be placed as second and third pictures under a product listing. (First is the product itself. in case of SETs, it is the SET image)
- Each product listing must use at least two relevant mood photos, unless the supplier only makes one such image available.
3. Colors and fonts

Belmil Premium color palette
Our company's pastel colors are meant to reflect cleanliness, professionalism and high-quality values.
They're a declaration of who we are, what we do, and whose attention we want to draw to our products. It is strictly forbidden to deviate from the color palette for advertising materials and other visual elements used on online and offline surfaces!

Heading text font
For the texts of the headings, we use the ITC Berkeley Old Style font, which is a font that can be downloaded for free and fits perfectly with the appearance of our brand when it comes to highlighted, short texts.

Body text font
For the body texts, we use the Muli font, which is also a free downloadable font. An easy-to-read, frequently used font, which complements the visual appearance of our company with its simplicity.
4. Product descriptions
5. How do we communicate?
Communication is the bridge between customers and our brand, so in every case you must strive for selective, precise and polite speech both in writing and orally!
Our customers expect premium quality not only from our products, but also from our support, which is why we strive for maximum kindness, courtesy and understanding in all situations during communication.
We consider it important that our customers receive a complete answer to their questions within a maximum of 24 hours, and we expect this in the communication of our partners as well.
If we communicate in writing, try to include relevant URLs with our answer, and if we use emoticons, they should be limited to the simple smiley :)! No GIF-s are allowed in our brand communication!
Here are some phrases You should use in Your brand communication, and some You need to avoid!
I don't know
We can't do this!
We don't have that product!
We got Your letter!
Good bye!
We haven't heard of this problem before!
6. Get inspiration!
Get inspired by our Social Media channels, where we post interegsting creatives, and copies every day! Feel free to use our posts, but let us know when You want to modify something with them!
Also, You can use our catalogue, what You can find by clicking here!
Have any question?
Please feel free to ask our colleagues, we are glad to help You :)